JITLibExtensions/Classes (extension) | Libraries > JITLib


easy metering of audio proxy levels


ProxyMeter measures the peak levels of proxies (e.g. those showing on a proxymixer), determines pre- and post-slider volume, and can displays these two levels on a mixer, or generally, on a MonitorGui.

Written by adc, based on suggestions of / discussions with Ricardo Guerreiro. Reuses ideas and code from AudioMeter by A. Bartetzki.

Class Methods

Class Variables


a dict for all currently active ProxyMeters


get and set the kind of PrePostView class. can be PrePostUV (for 3.6.x and later) or PrePostView (3.5.x and earlier)


get and set the prefix to use for metering proxies


the audio function to use for metering proxy volume


the currently active PrePostViews


the proxyGuis for which metering is active


the flag whether to show meter proxies as krs or not. Set with showKrs, hideKrs.


make a new ProxyMeter for the proxy given

Class Methods



add or remove a MonitorGui



add or remove an NdefGui



add or remove a ProxyMixer or NdefMixer


clear all ProxyMeters and remove their associated views.



show or hide meter proxies as kr proxies in their proxyspace.

Instance Methods


the ar proxy the ProxyMeter is metering


the kr proxy that meters the ar proxy's volume


the last measured pre- and post volume amp of the ar proxy.


the proxyspace that the ar proxy lives in.


the OSCresponder for this ProxyMeter


remove this ProxyMeter


the name for the meterproxy



the views on which the meterproxy should be shown



show or hide this meter proxy in its proxyspace.
