JITLibExtensions/Classes (extension) | Live Coding


referentially transparent buffer environment


an environment for keeping buffers by name.

Class Methods


return a new instance. server has to be running.

Instance Methods


put an object into the environment that can be converted to buffer values. The buffer on the server is updated immediately, the buffer number is kept. Currently supported are Arrays and Nil (nil deallocates the buffer).


return the buffer at a certain key. If none exist, allocate a buffer number.


put the objects into the environment at the given keys.


put a series of objects in the bufenvir. to be tested.



return the buffers at the given keys. If none exist, allocate buffer numbers.


allocate a buffer at the given key. If a bufnum exists for that key, it is kept.



read or cue a file to buffer



reads or cues all files within a given path. The key is the difference between commonPath and filePath, e.g. if the common path is "/sounds/" and the file is "/sounds/samp1.aif", the key will be 'samp1'.


create a buffer for FFT use.


get and set the default size for fft buffers


overwrite the buffer at key with zeroes.


return the buffer number at the given key


return the duration of the buffer at the given key


return the numFrames of the buffer at the given key


return the numFrames of the buffer at the given key


return the rateScale factor of the buffer at the given key


the server on which the buffers live


clear all buffers.


eval function with buffer at key and call updateInfo on buffer.


return a PlayBuf ugen wired up for the buffer at key.


return a RecordBuf ugen wired up for the buffer at key.
