VGSynth is part of the VGLibrary by Julian Rohrhuber, Alberto de Campo, Rainer Schuetz, 2007/8.
For rendering by synthesis see VGSynth, for sample-based playback, see VGSamp, for network output e.g. to PureData, see VGPD - (needs rework atm).
VGSynth has a variety of synthesis variants for playing gamelan sounds, which sound slightly differently and create different amounts of CPU load.
Additive synthesis: vgAddiAr uses the analysis data for additive synthesis of all partials with (very efficient) sine oscillators; it uses very precise, but a little more expensive audio rate envelopes.
vgAddiKr does the same, but uses (less precise but more efficient) control rate envelopes.
these two follow the model suggested by Franz Zotter most closely; a possible extension would be using the attack residua along with the additvie synthesis.
Resonant filter synthesis: vgRingz uses the analysis data to create ringing filters with the given frequencies of each partial. It does not use attack times.
vgFormlet uses the analysis data to create ringing filters, using attack times as well.
Sample playback: vgSampDyn plays back the gamKUG samples, but dynamically retunable while playing. it is much more efficient than any resynthesis, but less flexible.
vgSampFix plays the samples back at its fixed original rate, e.g. for drum sounds.
vgTest is silent, but polls and posts all control bus values for debugging.
vgPartial - resynthesis of a single partial, for more feedback while retuning.
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