Convolves input with early reflections in a mono-to-stereo reverb.
input |
Signal to be convolved. |
source |
The x-, y-, and z-coordinates of the source audio in meters. |
receiver |
The x-, y-, and z-coordinates of the listener in meters. |
roomsize |
The width, height, and length of the room in meters. |
hw |
Ear separation in meters. |
b |
Reflection coefficient for the room's floor, walls, and ceiling. |
n |
Controls the number of mirror images to model. n = 0 generates 27 mirror images, and n = 1 to 5 generates 8*(N*2+1)^3 mirror images. |
p |
Low pass filter for reflections. 0 to 1. |
allp_lens |
Length of three allpass filters. |
allp_c |
Allpass amount. 0 to 1. |