Conductor/Classes (extension) | Control


Creates GUIs from Conductor info


ConductorGUI is an Enivronment whose parent environment (defined by [GUIEvent]) is a 'style sheet' of default gui functions that determine how a Conductor is to be displayed.

Instance Methods



the conductor to be displayed



an Array of keys and arrays of keys of items in the Conductor to be displayed.


Each item in the Array is displayed on its own line, so arrays of keys share a line. Unless overridden in guis each item identified by a key is sent a draw message.



an Array of keys of items to be displayed before those in keys. Defaults to #[player, settings, preset]



an IdentityDictionary of gui functions that override the normal draw method of an item in the Conductor



flag determines if Conductor is stopped when gui window is closed



this is the command to draw the Conductor's GUI

Using ConductorGUI

ConductorGUI defines default gui functions for the most commonly used classes within a Conductor:

cvGUI~nslider, for single-valued CV's
multicvGUI~multislider, for multi-valued CV's
svGUI~popup, for SV's
settingsGUIfor ConductorSettingsGUI
presetGUIfor CVPreset
interpolatorGUIfor CVInterpolator

The dictionary in guis can redefine how a particular key is to be drawn.

Entries in this dictionary can be:

a Symbol
the symbol selects a gui function defined in ConductorGUI,
an Array
the first element of the array selects the gui function which is used to draw the remaining elements of the array.
a Function
the function receives window, name and Conductor[name] as arguments


Here are some examples of how these features can be used: