Guide To Using Boids2D as a Spatializer:
Boids/Guides (extension) | Collective Motion

Guide To Using Boids2D as a Spatializer

Tips and tricks to use Boids2D as a sound spatializer.

Using Boids2D to spatialize sound.

One thing you'll notice that the Boids classes are generalized such that they do not include dedicated mechanisms for spatialzing sound (except for the getPanVals() method). So you must roll your own.

Other Cool Stuff

Since one passes a function to the moveFlock() method, one can do all sorts of things there. Here, we have three targets and several random obstacles. The function in moveFlock() moves the targets and adjusts their gravity such that when no agents are close by (attacking, one can imagine), their gravity grows. When agents are nearby, the strength begins to drop. This oscillation of gravity along with obstacles in the field makes for really interesting movement.