A cut procedure which uses the idea of fast roll figures like demisemiquavers or triplet sixteenth notes (as in thrash guitar playing) to form blocks for breakbeat cutting.
Create a ThrashCutProc1 object with the given parameters.
This cut procedure usually works in 4/4 bar phrases, but should survive other phraselengths.
kickoffset |
Function returning kick offset positions, offsets being in the range 0.0 to 1.0. So for random beats of a 4/4 source, try {([0,1,2,3]/4).choose} |
snareoffset |
choose snare offset positions. |
phraselength |
Typically 4.0 or 8.0. |
blockdiv |
The way to do the fast ostinato thrash figure. [0.34,0.33,0.33] for triplets, [0.25,0.25,0.25,0.25] for sixteenth/thirtytwoth, [0.25,0.25,0.5] for an irregular figure. |
chooseriff |
Function giving choice of a new rhythmic riff from the database each bar: {arg previous, howmany; if(0.1.coin,{howmany.rand},{previous});} |
shuffles |
Number of involutions of the source cut sequences to perform, to give some randomisation for each play. |
filltest |
chance of a fill pattern this bar. fills are the inverse of the normal patterns, in that rolls become straight and straight become rolls, and kicks becomes snares and snares kicks... |
stopchance |
chance of a zero amplitude block, ie, rest. Only one can happen per bar and the probability tested on every block until it does happen or a new phrase begins. |