Database that will store any events discovered in an audio signal using the AnalyseEvents UGen. This works on-the-fly, and you can switch the target input bus.
Discovered events are recorded in the database as an array of information of the form:
[timecollected, startPos (buffer sample position), length (in seconds), ... (features of event)]
Note that the event analyser works at a delay of at least the length of each event it discovers. The database is thus often around half a second lagging behind the musical state of play. This is a fundamental limitation- you as a human also post analyse, it's just that predictive processes (like beat tracking, stylistic expectancies) give you the illusion of knowing in advance what things may occur.
Applications: use the collection times to extract rhythms, combine with known beat (perhaps from beat tracking- see AutoTrack) to quantise inputs, assess expressive timing, have a memory fading histogram of event locations, schedule any events in any way that plays with time etc...
length |
Length in seconds of circular buffer for storing the audio stream. |
numChan |
The stream can have 1 to 2 channels, not modulatable after creation. |
server |
Which to run on. |
inbus |
Bus number for input |
trigID |
Trigger ID number used for passing data between the UGen analyser and the database |
group |
Group to run the analysis synth within |
threshold |
Parameter for the analyser, see AnalyseEvents help file. |
clock |
An ExternalClock. This clock will be used to determine the beat time of any received events, with associated quantisation properties as set for this class. |