A convenience class for easy creation and management of virtual audio environments. The rendering is done in a class method (ar) while multiple instances of a VirtualRoom may be defined to be able to switch between them (its also possible to play them simultaniously, if that makes sense to some application).
NOTE: For better performance the following server options should be set before booting the server.
First thing is to set the path to the full Kemar HRTFs (dowloadable from http://sound.media.mit.edu/KEMAR/full.tar.Z). Default is "KemarHRTF/" (located in the SC3 application folder)
Then init the class - that will switch on the rendering (and consumes CPU) and route the output to the standard output with .play
NOTE: The coordinate system is given according to the listener's head: x-axis (nose), y-axis (left-ear) and z-axis (vertex) and Rooms are defined by the origin and width/depth/height